With certain advanced periodontal diseases and conditions, it becomes necessary for our dentists to surgically treat in order to effectively address the problem. If you have serious periodontal concerns that may require a surgical approach, please give us a call at (619) 404-2634 today to learn more and schedule an appointment with Dr. Laurel Morello.
If you have a more advanced stage of periodontal disease, your teeth and supporting bone structure will be affected in addition to your gum tissue. Your teeth may also become loose or uncomfortable as a result, making gum surgery necessary.
There are several types of gum surgery that may be recommended, depending on the stage of the disease and your individual needs. These include:
- Gingival flap surgery (pocket reduction) — This form of periodontal surgery helps reduce the depth of your periodontal pockets by gently separating the gum tissue from the bone and roots of the teeth and conducting a thorough cleaning before reattaching the tissue.
- Gingivectomy — This procedure is performed to remove excess gum tissue that has crept up the surfaces of the teeth, thus providing improved exposure of the teeth for better cleaning. This can at times be associated with a medication use that causes the gums to overgrow or a history of infected, swollen gum tissue that has healed and needs to be trimmed back. Cosmetic gingivectomy is often used to trim excess gum tissue from front teeth that look short, thereby restoring their full vertical length from top to bottom and a much broader smile. This procedure is also termed gingivoplasty.
- Gingivoplasty — This form of surgery is used to reshape the healthy gum tissue around the teeth to give you a healthier and more attractive appearance. Crown lengthening and gum grafting are forms of gingivoplasty.
- Soft tissue graft — This treatment is used to repair receded gums, cover exposed tooth roots or cementum, and improve the appearance of your smile.
Our dentists and team will provide you with detailed post-surgery instructions, including how to properly clean the treated area.
For more information about periodontal surgery in El Cajon, California, and to schedule a consultation with our experienced dentists, please call our office today.